“I was so ready to get out of my dating rut, and as soon as I started coaching with Evin I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I realized and released the insecurities and fears that had been affecting my dating life, got really clear on how I love and how I want to be loved, and felt this resounding sense of growth every single week in coaching.

I met my Person soon after, and I’ve fulfilled my deepest dream of creating my family! I feel SO HAPPY, so secure, so loved, so comfortable with who I am in the relationship and as a mother. I know that’s because I’m now able to be vulnerable and communicate my needs- and it’s all thanks to coaching with Evin!

Invest in yourself; invest in love--you are so worth it!”

- Kavita, NYC



The difference between who I am now and who I was when I started Wake Up Your Worth is so remarkable that I'm still in awe!

I have such a stronger self of self that doesn't rely on outside validation, and feel happier in my skin and in my mind.

My inner voice is much less critical, and I have tools to handle perfectionism, comparison, and rejection so that these things don't hold me back anymore.

In these last few months in the course, I have put myself out there more confidently and authentically than I have ever done before-- in all areas of my life. It's really amazing!

This course is so worth it and YOU are more than worth it.

I took a leap and I will always be grateful to myself for doing it. Jump in!

- meryl, toronto


Gina Tremaglio.png

“I’ve been a perfectionist forever, so before taking the Wake Up Your Worth course, I only saw myself as worthy when I felt “perfect,” or when I was receiving outside validation or praise. As the last single one of my friends, I especially struggled to feel confident and worthy of love in my dating life.

Signing up for Wake Up Your Worth was a huge breakthrough for me in and of itself, in that I was trusting and prioritizing myself in a way that felt so empowering.

I’ve loved everything about the WUYW journey, from the video lessons that covered the exact topics I needed, to the powerful journal prompts and exercises. One of my favorites was the “I’m not for everyone” exercise that helped me to embrace my AUTHENTICITY. Instead of beating myself up like I used to for the things that aren’t “perfect,” about me, I was able to discover how I actually love the things that make me ME!

I’m leaving this course with so much more confidence in all areas of my life, and my worthiness is now UNWAVERING; I know that I am worthy simply because I exist and because I am me!

I’m kinder and more supportive to myself than I’ve ever been (my “Inner Cheerleader” is now louder than my “Inner Critic”), I’ve had a huge mindset shift about my future and even feel excited for my dating life, and now I know that I won’t settle for anything less than what I truly desire and deserve.

I’m so grateful for this course, and for any women who are considering joining: You will be amazed at your transformation! I can’t encourage you enough to give yourself this gift!”

- gina, boston


“I feel infinitely more confident in my dating life after completing LLT!  I am super clear on what I want and need now, I learned to show up authentically in a way I never have before, to trust that I’m a catch, and tune into my own feelings instead of worrying about what my date’s thinking. I loved our weekly LLT calls and learning from everyone’s perspectives; that really helped to shift my mindset and to know I wasn’t the only one who sometimes has crazy thoughts. The girls from my group and I still keep and touch and support each other I’m now coming at everything in my life, including my dating life, from a place of love and gratitude– it’s incredible.  LLT was the best investment I made all year!

UPDATE: I am currently dating an amazing man who tells me every day how much he loves me and how special I am to him. I had known him for 6 months before doing LLT, but had put him in the friend zone for being "too nice." However, since working with Evin, I have seen that he was actually the kind of guy I needed to be dating - sweet, kind, intelligent, non-judgmental, allows me to speak up for my needs and adjust as needed, and I got over my self-sabotaging ways and truly realized I deserve this. We're moving in together soon, and talking about getting married. I have found a relationship that is a true partnership in which each of us is heard and seen. I have never felt more seen or loved in my life.

Thank you for everything, Evin! I truly wouldn't be where I am today without you! If anyone is thinking about signing up for coaching or LLT, it is totally worth every penny to find that meaningful relationship and partnership!”



Investing in LLT has been completely life-changing, and I truly can’t thank Evin enough. I came into the program with a lot of hurt in my past, so stuck repeating old habits and not valuing myself. Through LLT, I developed and deep and meaningful sense of myself and my self-worth, clarity on what I want in a partner, and the confidence to put myself out there.

Before the program even ended, I found the man of my dreams. I’m in a relationship where he pursues me- which I’ve never had before- and I can openly and clearly communicate my needs without worrying about seeming “crazy” because he fully accepts me.  Now we’re looking to buy a house and have been looking at rings-- it’s AMAZING! I know I wouldn’t be where I am and as happy as I am had I not gone through LLT.

Thank you just isn’t enough, and I will say that over and over again. From where I was to where I am now has definitely been a total 180 life change. Ladies: if you’re considering doing LLT, jump in before it’s too late-- you won’t regret it”



"Since starting Wake Up Your Worth, my self worth and confidence have skyrocketed, and I feel so much ease where I used to feel anxiety!

Before this course, I never felt confident speaking up for my needs or setting boundaries that honored myself, and it created a ton of anxiety for me in my friendships, dating life and relationships (or "situation-ships," really!).

Thanks to Wake Up Your Worth, I'm finally showing up for myself and my needs, and making choices that make me happy! I’ve seen huge shifts in my mindset (including knowing that I'm a total catch!), that have made honoring myself so much easier.

Each lesson was powerful and eye-opening for me, and compared to what I’ve learned in therapy, the way Evin delivers the lessons and exercises makes it SO much easier to understand and actually incorporate into my life.

I’ve honestly always been skeptical of these kinds of courses.. But this really changed my life for the better-- and in so many more areas than just dating. I'm so grateful!

If you’re considering joining the course, I can’t recommend it enough!"

- cherilyn, chicago


I learned SO MUCH from Evin and LLT about self worth, self love, and how to use an empowered dating approach! This coaching program taught me so much more about myself than I realized it could, in addition to the incredibly helpful tools I continue to use in my love life today. The program reminded me to stay present and to communicate my needs in my relationship!

LLT is extremely informative, thought-provoking, and fun! It's introspective, gives tools for moving forward, and provides the support and community of a sisterhood. Through LLT, you can learn about yourself while learning from Evin's expertise and the commonality of the other women's experiences. LLT is multifaceted - from video content, journal exercises, weekly coaching calls and 1:1 support from Evin- and extremely well-organized. I can’t recommend it enough!”



LLT was truly life changing, and even though I had done prior self development work, I learned so much that is invaluable to me. Since LLT, I’m more hopeful, more confident, and feel like I have a toolkit to pull from rather than feeling frustrated, like I didn’t know where to start or why things weren’t working in my dating life before. My mindset has definitely shifted to be more positive towards myself and about my future, and I’m in a much more conscious place with my thoughts, my energy, and my self worth which has made me feel more positive and better on a day to day basis. I’m also much clearer in what’s most important for me in my next partner, what my needs are and how to express them so that I can create a successful relationship. Getting clear on my patterns/triggers, love languages and attachment style was hugely beneficial for me, and will definitely change how I show up and approach future relationships.

Applying everything we learned, I’ve had more dates- and more QUALITY dates- and I’m spending less time over-thinking and stressing about the unknown future. I’ve started trusting myself more in dating versus asking friends who aren’t in the same place as me. I’ve even utilized the tools from LLT with friends/family and in other areas of my life.

What surprised me the most and made me the happiest was my connection with the other girls in the program. The calls were the highlight of my week and no matter what happened that week/day, the girls were there to bring a smile to my face, support me, and get me laughing. I felt so supported throughout-- Evin is incredibly genuine, smart, supportive, relatable, and knows her stuff! She seemed to always have a good idea or the answer you couldn't put your finger on. She does 1:1 calls with us as well, and was such a great coach through the whole process. I’m so glad I took the leap to do LLT!”



I am actually blown away by the transformation I have had in LLT; it's CRAZY HUGE!

I thought I had confidence in myself before, but now it is just radiating out of me and I feel like I'm on fire-- and people in my life are noticing/telling me that all the time! What blows me away the most is that I had no idea this kind of change was even possible...

Before committing to LLT, I wasn't sure if I really ‘needed it’ or if it would be worth what seemed like a big commitment. OMG IT SO WAS - no question! Dating used to feel really overwhelming, stressful, anxiety-producing, and I was just not excited to date. I didn't really trust myself and my feelings about guys. After LLT, Dating has felt SO MUCH EASIER! I'm showing up more authentically and confidently, and it all feels easy and exciting and fun! My self love/self worth/self confidence is through the roof! I've learned that this is seriously the foundation for everything in life. I'm excited and proud to be seen as my full self, I feel more relaxed and at ease, grateful for where I am in my love life and it just feels like the pressure is OFF!

I LOVE everything about LLT-- the amazing community, the content and the videos and obviously EVIN and just all of it! The reflection time and journaling exercises and the accountability were so impactful. I've seen SO many results not just in my dating life: my friendships have all deepened as I've been more vulnerable, my family relationships have also improved, and even the quality of my creative work has improved because I am showing up more authentically in my work too!

I now feel EXTREMELY confident that I'll be able to create the love life I desire thanks to LLT. Like - so confident... maybe borderline cocky about it!



“When I found Evin, I was in yet another "situationship" and feeling like I finally needed to wake up from this recurring nightmare of guys who weren't emotionally or physically available. I had realized what I was doing clearly hadn't been working, and that I needed to INVEST IN MYSELF for once, so I side hustled my bootie off to get what I knew I needed! I met someone amazing soon after, and Evin's program has helped lay a solid foundation for us to build the strongest relationship I’ve ever been in!

Thanks to LLT, I am waaaaay more open, vulnerable, and communicative in my relationship than I have ever been. I’ve been able to stay present and navigate through uncertainty with him, where I would have 100% cut and run before. 

Now I can walk through life and relationships with the confidence to ask for what I want, and I’m seeing this spill into all areas of my life: I am communicating more clearly with my Mom, friends, and coworkers. And oddly enough I have noticed I have lost weight and feel lighter and calmer in my everyday life because I am not stressing myself out on "having" to please someone or putting crazy pressure on myself.

I LOVED the content, Evin's fun, funny and authentic approach, the community of girls and how amazingly supportive and awesome they all are-- it was amazing to witness everyone's transformation!!

I tell my single friends that LLT is the best investment they will make in themselves and their future relationships. It’s a 14 week program that will literally change every aspect of your life and provide you with so much knowledge, fun and tangible tools to get you through pretty much any interpersonal situation in life. You sign up for dating/relationship coaching, but you leave with a new view of the life you are living and how YOU can be the best version of yourself in all aspects of it!



“I knew that I needed help to make a change in my love life and that change would come with some cost, both financially and in comfort-- I was nervous about sharing myself with a group of strangers. What I did not realize at the time is that LLT is much more about making an investment in yourself, and those strangers don't stay strangers for long.

Just before contacting Evin, I’d had terrible experiences with dating apps, I didn't put myself in situations to attract men and honestly did not make myself very open to it. I had low self worth, super high social anxiety, and just generally felt like I didn't know what I was doing. I’m also a caretaker who had no concept of self-care-- I had completely put myself and my needs on the backburner.

Now I’m so much more confident in myself; I show up authentically as me, and that person is freaking awesome!

Evin’s Empowered Dating approach led me to meeting my boyfriend, and now I have the tools to communicate, ask for what I need, and I’m experiencing deeper intimacy and vulnerability with my partner than I’ve ever experienced before. 

The shifts I made during LLT have already drastically helped me in my romantic life, but these shifts have also made waves in every other aspect of my life that I did not expect. My whole life is transforming right now! My family relationships have improved as I have built up my self worth and communication tools, I have a new focus on my health, I have cut back on extra hours at work to better care for myself and am even considering a career change.  Before LLT, I had the mindset that life happened to me; I am empowered now to see that life is a series of choices made by me.

LLT and Evin are helping me to build the LIFE I desire!



“Before LLT, I was was going on dates but failing to commit or open up to others. I was struggling with feeling inadequate, and I felt hopeless about finding love. I knew I needed to work on how to improve my romantic relationships, but I had no idea how much LLT would benefit my relationships with my family, my friends, and even myself!

Working with Evin was life-changing. I now feel like I have the tools to recognize and remind myself of all that I have to bring to a relationship. I feel like I show up a lot more authentically, rather than trying to imitate what I think the other person may be looking for! I feel so much more positive and open to the future. I am confident in what I bring to a relationship and am excited for what the future holds!

The community aspect of LLT is what truly sets this program apart! Seeing other women's vulnerability was so inspiring to me and allowed me to share things that I haven't even talked about with my close friends. I LOVED the amazing group of women that I connected with during LLT and the warm, genuine bonds our sisterhood created!

I’ve even noticed huge changes elsewhere in my life. I feel so much more comfortable and accepting of myself. Because of that, I am showing up a lot more authentically and confident in all of my relationships. 

I feel like every woman I know should go through this program. I feel so much more capable and deserving of love!



“I kept waiting for the perfect time to finally start dating, expecting that it would “just happen” without any real work or effort on my part. (It didn’t!) I thought of dating as a tedious chore, and I had a really negative outlook. The biggest step for me was admitting to myself and to others in my life that I really do want to meet someone to share my life with, and that I also needed to actually put myself out there!

My favorite part of Love Life Transformation was the content. This program helped me deepen my understanding of myself and taught me how to look for a partner who complements my love languages and attachment style, which is inner work that I never even explored before LLT! 

I’m proud that I’m now bringing a much more positive outlook to dating. I’ve honed in on what’s important to me to look for in a partner, as well as what my true deal-breakers are-- and now I’m much more patient and forgiving with myself when it comes to finding matches on dating apps. I know that even if it takes some time to find a match, I’m still a catch!!”



“I went through a breakup about a month before LLT. I knew so much was missing in my relationship, and it just felt off. I struggled a lot with self-doubt, self-worth, and self-soothing. I wasn’t attentive or intentional in my past relationships, and I felt a lot of anxiety.

LLT helped me learn that there's nothing missing with me! I had so much fun getting to know myself over the 14 weeks of my program. I gained the confidence I needed to value myself, practice authenticity, and trust myself. Now I have a MUCH more positive mindset around dating and my love life! I have the tools to really nurture a future relationship and make it special, and I know I can recognize and communicate my boundaries.

I feel LIGHT-YEARS more likely and confident that I'll be able to create the romantic life I desire now-- and I’m SO excited!”



“Before I started this journey, my love life was completely stalled. I was burned out and struggling with feeling disconnected from my friends, family, and what I wanted in life. 

Thanks to LLT, I'm now able to see the positive, the adventure, and the joy in dating! I noticed a huge shift in my mindset-- my dating life feels more hopeful, and I have the tools now to make the most out of my dates and show up as my vulnerable, authentic self in relationships. I recommend LLT to single women because this program changed my life in so many ways! LLT provides a supportive, positive environment to learn and grow, and I’m confident now that I’ll be able to create the romantic life and relationships that I desire.”



“There was nothing going on in my dating life when I joined LLT! I struggled to get beyond a very surface level of dating and to any kind of relationship that felt comfortable to me. When we started our program, I already felt my self worth greatly improving. I have a greater sense of confidence, and my mindset around dating has changed immensely. I now have taken the pressure off of dating and view dating as FUN! As a result, I’m able to show up as myself on dates, communicate what I need, and I show up ready to really connect with the people I’m dating. I feel like I have the tools to create the relationships I desire after LLT and the strength to know that I'll be able to handle whatever happens with them - good or bad! 

I loved the group calls because I found value during everyone’s turn with coaching, not only my own. It was beautiful to see myself reflected in the women I was connecting with on our weekly calls. LLT was truly an investment not just in my dating life, but in myself overall!”



“Before LLT, I struggled to set boundaries with men. Dating made me SO anxious! 

Now, I’m actually ENJOYING dating, being in the moment, and taking things one date at a time. I’m also able to tell guys thanks, but we’re not a match! I’m more confident in who I am and excited to share my true self with the men I date instead of trying to be the woman I think they want me to be.

I’m finally letting myself envision a future with a partner by my side. Thank you, Evin!!”



“I knew that I needed to make changes in my approach to dating-- I struggled with self confidence, believing that I'm worthy of love as I am today, and thinking something was wrong with me. 

During LLT, I started to embrace the unknown and tune into my power to realize that things will happen in time and my future is actually very bright. I’m even excited to date again! It used to feel like a chore, but now my mindset has changed-- I'm putting less pressure on myself to see if he's "the one" after one date and taking things one step at a time. 

I'm confident that with these new tools I've acquired, a loving, fulfilling relationship is on the horizon! I’ve already noticed I am showing up more vulnerably in my friendships, too...and I’m even using the same techniques for dating as I am with my job search! 

I also loved the support and sisterhood in LLT. It was a safe space to be open and vulnerable, a community to bounce ideas off, and an opportunity to and celebrate each other. 

I would absolutely recommend LLT! I knew that I needed to make changes in my approach to dating, as what I was doing wasn't working, but I didn't know what to do. I am now so much more aware of myself, my thoughts, feelings, and my needs. I learned that there is nothing wrong with me-- I just needed to work on my dating mindset and approach!”



“I was honestly hesitant about doing LLT, but now my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner!

One concern was that I wasn’t sure how much I would benefit from the group structure, but I loved the group calls and I felt such a connection to the other women in my cohort. I actually learned so much from hearing Evin coach the other women, in addition to my personal coaching time.

LLT helped me SO much with my self-awareness and my dating mindset. I went from this string of picking “good enough for now” partners and trying to cover up for my insecurities, to now showing up in my dating life more relaxed, knowing I’m a catch regardless of the outcome and feeling hopeful about creating a foundation for a lasting relationship!

I’m leaving LLT with extraordinary lessons that I am SO GRATEFUL to have moving forward-- it’s really a gift.

LLT is like getting a certification in self love, awareness and care to bring my best self forward in the future!” 



“Thanks to coaching with Evin, I’m now in the most wonderful, fulfilling, exciting, intimate relationship that I've ever experienced....it’s the best feeling ever! I finally have the tools to cultivate the relationship I've always wanted. This includes learning how to effectively communicate, recognizing the importance of vulnerability, and working on moving past my anxious attachment tendencies. With Evin's support, I was able to fully appreciate that I was worthy and deserving of a man who would treat me like a queen!

I hope this doesn't sound too dramatic, but I have no doubt that Evin changed my life. I am in a completely different space than I was when I met her and I will forever be grateful for the profound impact she had on me.”



"In Wake Up Your Worth, I learned to value myself for all of the things that make me a wonderful person, and to get over my fear of disappointing people so that I can honor myself and communicate my boundaries with confidence!

Prior to this course, I was really self-critical, and I used to tie my worth to my looks or to a number on the scale. I always put others' feelings before my own, and worried that prioritizing myself was selfish. 

I knew I had to learn to create a loving relationship with myself before I could fully benefit from other relationships... the problem was, I just didn't know where to start. This course gave me everything I needed to do just that!

I’m a nurse and my schedule is crazy, so I loved that I could go through the lessons on my own time. I also love that I can share and connect with other women inside the course, and that I can even ask Evin questions under each lesson and she’ll respond with her personal guidance and support. You can tell how much Evin really cares about our growth, it’s just amazing!

I can’t say enough about how powerful this journey changed my Self Worth and confidence, and I encourage you to not hold yourself back from enrolling!"

- patience, Montréal

Kelly Carrion.png

“I joined Evin’s Wake Up Your Worth course because I wanted to do something just for ME, and I think nothing is more important than working on ourselves. 

After years of people-pleasing and staying in situations that didn’t feel good for me, thanks to WUYW I now know that I am worthy of receiving everything my heart desires, and I never have to settle for crumbs again!

I've learned to really be in tune and listen to my body, and to confidently say “No” when things don’t feel right to me. I’m so much more intentional about the people that I let into my life, both romantically and in my friendships. I deserve that!

I used to be kind and compassionate to others, but I struggled to offer that to myself. Now I allow myself to be human too, to make mistakes, and to celebrate myself for all the things I’m proud of!

I really encourage you to join Wake Up Your Worth; investing in yourself is the single best thing you will ever do.”

- kelly, nyc

Megan O'Connor.png

"As someone who has a hard time taking the leap and spending money on myself, I'm here to say, 'Leap!' You are worthy of investing in you, and this course is absolutely worth it.

Thanks to the inspiring videos and powerful workbooks in the Wake Up Your Worth course, I'm completing this 10 week journey believing for the first time that I'm a catch, feeling more confident in my body, and knowing that I am worth the love that I deeply desire-- exactly as I am.

I feel so much more grounded, focused on my self care, and not riding that comparison ride nearly as much. After years of feeling stress and anxiety around my dating life, I'm actually looking forward to experiencing my path as it unfolds!"

- megan, campbell


"I came to Evin struggling with confidence, but wanting to put myself out there again after an 8 year abusive relationship. Coaching taught me how to speak up and communicate what I want and need. I learned not to settle and not to let the other person be in control of me and how I felt. Evin helped me A LOT with my confidence, seeing myself as much more than a victim of my past, and realizing that I am worth being treated the way that I want and deserve.

I’ve been seeing my current boyfriend for over a year! We are best friends and have so much love and mutual respect for each other. I’m able to ask for what I want for the first time in a relationship, and he cares about my feelings at all times and does whatever he can to make me happy. I’ve honestly never been happier!

Thank you sooooo much, Evin! You gave me the confidence to speak up and communicate the important things, and I would not have shared what I wanted and needed without your encouragement!"



"One of the things that I was really hesitant about was, why do I need a coach? It was this whole thing of, "Okay. Maybe I can figure it out on my own, this dating thing can't really be that hard." That piece was the resistance that I was feeling, so once I got over that, and I was like, "All right, Soph, you clearly don't know what you're doing in your dating life. Evin, help me out here!” I reached out and I’m so glad I did. The LLT program has just been absolutely incredible and just life-changing in so many ways.

The biggest shifts that I’ve had are around my self-worth, and the level of self-awareness that I have about my behavioral patterns, my mindset, and my beliefs when it comes to dating, and how all of that has impacted the men that I’ve attracted and the relationships I was able to foster.

Since LLT, I find myself softening a lot more, being more trusting, more playful and in my feminine energy with it. I’ve also started to attracted a lot higher quality men- who also look really good! I used to struggle with judging myself or feeling like they wouldn’t want to be with me, but now it’s easy for me to connect, to let down my walls and have a lot more fun with it. I cannot wait to meet my twin flame, and even more exciting is the fact that I actually get to enjoy the entire dating experience in the meantime.

Ev, I love you so much. Thank you for this incredible experience.

If you’re a woman, especially someone who spends a lot of time in your masculine energy, running a business or doing a bunch of big things, take a chance and invest in LLT. It’s life-changing!”



“LLT was the best and most healing thing I could have done for myself-- BEST DECISION EVER to join this group! I feel more connected with myself and my needs, and much more confident in all areas of my life. I gained the tools to reframe negative thoughts and fears, and now I know that I can work through anything with communication!

Since LLT, my relationship has progressed and we have fallen in love. It was a beautiful progression and continues to grow and build in a healthy way. I am so grateful and excited to have these tools to communicate, set boundaries, and teach my partner what I need, and to share these tools with him. It feels so incredible to really feel safe and prioritized and respected and loved.

I absolutely recommend LLT!!! It’s fun and supportive, intensive yet easy to navigate! You get guidance and coaching through all the skills necessary for building and growing a healthy relationship, and connecting with the other girls in the group is amazing. I think to myself all the time WWED (what would Evin do) and know that she can help anyone!!!”



I thought I already knew myself well enough, so I was afraid the LLT investment wouldn’t be worth the money. Boy, was I wrong! Before starting LLT, I was going on a zillion dates that went nowhere and felt like it was hopeless. Now I feel empowered, confident in my decision-making surrounding dating, and clear about what I want and deserve. I’m showing up on dates more relaxed and authentic, and I feel way less stressed that I’m “behind” my friends who are all getting hitched. I’ve been able to release the “timeline” pressure and just see what comes of it. 

I LOVE the sisterhood in LLT; I love how we support each other, and I feel like I’ve gained new friends! I would recommend LLT to any single women who feel stuck in their love lives-- there is SO much clarity, confidence & empowerment to gain from this work!"



“LLT has truly changed the way I’ve approached dating, and I feel so much more self-assured than I ever have before! I watched Evin’s videos on her facebook page for a while before I reached out, and I ended up signing up for LLT on my birthday as a gift to myself. I knew I was doing things that were making me feel crazy, and not helping myself to find the kind of connection or relationship that I wanted. Doing a lot of the internal work in LLT helped clear my mind to look at things more rationally and to manage my anxiety, and I have the resources now to navigate my dating life in an empowered way.

What I love most about this program is the women, the community. It was wonderful to watch everybody go through these aha moments themselves, and to be so supportive of each other. Everyone should do LLT!”



Before I started coaching, I had tried everything. I had hired a matchmaker, gone speed dating, and tried every dating app imaginable. Dating started to feel like a chore.

After working with Evin in LLT, dating definitely doesn’t feel like a chore anymore! I look forward to being taken out and showing up as my authentic self. I used to worry about doing or saying the right things so my date would like me. Now I realize how empowering it is to let someone see the real me and I know that it’s ok if he wants to see me again or not. I see dating as more fun now -- and much less frantic! I went from being on every app imaginable to only one, and using it intentionally -- not just swiping mindlessly!

I loved everything about LLT, but most of all, I loved Evin. She is possibly my favorite human ever. She is the coach, friend, and support I needed in my life right now. Her attitude and tone is that of a supportive friend. I have never felt judged or felt wrong for something I’ve said or did. Evin makes sure you know that she hears you, she wants to help you, and she loves you.

I would 100% recommend LLT to single women! I never realized how powerful it was to have such a strong and positive female support system. I went from commiserating over dating with my friends to looking at dating and relationships in a much more positive way. I’m now much more confident that I can create the relationships that I desire. I was given so many tools to help navigate through dating. I can’t wait to try them all in practice!

My friends come to ME now for advice on how to approach situations! I have already seen such a huge change in myself over the three months of LLT, and I can’t wait to see what else is in store as I keep practicing and improving on these lessons. LLT is the BEST investment you can make in yourself!



“I committed to LLT because on my intro call with Evin, she asked me, "What happens if you stay on this path? Where does this trajectory lead you?” The answer scared me. I also hadn’t realized until then how my level of self worth, and the negative stories I was telling myself, had gotten me so stuck in my love life. I wanted to get back in touch with myself and what I truly desired, and I felt confident that LLT could guide me there. 

I was the "situationship" girl-- I used to tell myself, "Lots of guys want to sleep with me, no one wants to date me." I’d actually get really uncomfortable any time a guy was nice to me or wanted to take me out on a date, so I would sabotage that relationship almost immediately. 

After LLT, I know myself and I have my confidence back. The mantra that I started LLT with was, "I am willing to believe that I deserve the love and treatment that I desire.” Now, I fully believe, and have embraced, that I deserve love and the treatment that I desire, and I won't accept anything less. Getting a handle on my inner critic, re-orienting my beliefs, quitting the negative narratives, learning to set healthy boundaries, and speak up for myself have transformed me in so many aspects of my life. 

I actually get energy from dating now! Swiping used to exhaust me and dates felt like job interviews before LLT. Evin's empowered dating approach-- including learning to show up in my feminine energy and shifting my mindset, have changed everything. Now I enjoy getting taken out and getting to meet someone new, even if it’s not a fit!

After LLT, I show up as my whole and true self. I'm honest and open in my communication at all times. This had made me so much happier, and guys are definitely responding to my authenticity. 

The results have been amazing in other areas of my life, too: My anxiety is so much lower at work and in my social life. The work we did around vulnerability and emotional bravery has taken my relationships with family and friends to a new level. I have learned to receive love. 

This program is transformational, and it truly creates a safe space to feel and be seen. It was comforting that every week you knew that there were equally committed girls across the country digging in and doing this work and that if you were stuck they were there to help. 

I'm light years ahead on my path to finding my true partner because of LLT; I would have seriously spun my wheels forever if it weren’t for this program!



“Before I started coaching with Evin, I was struggling with a sense that everything was working against me, and that there were no decent men left! Going through LLT gave me a huge mindset shift. Evin helped me find a lightness and joy around dating that was never there before. I now look forward to dates and -- no matter how they go -- I am able to see them as positive experiences!

LLT helped me commit to showing up honestly and positively in romantic relationships, which I couldn't say before LLT. I now know I want to create a relationship built on trust and respect. I know how to practice emotional bravery with my friends and family, too, and it’s helped deepen all the relationships in my life. 

LLT is a big opportunity: to give yourself the attention, respect, and effort you deserve to put into your personal relationships; to reset and practice some intense self-care; and even to make new friends! I LOVED getting the chance to meet so many different women from all over the country and form deep, positive relationships with them.

Thanks to Evin and LLT, I now know what I want and what I need. I’m only pursuing relationships that will lead to the long-lasting romantic and love I crave!



“Before working with Evin, my dating history was a mess-- I was codependent and tried to fill my sadness and voids with attention, sex, guys, and relationships. Even though I always wanted partnership and marriage, I had a little feeling in the back of my mind that it wouldn't ever happen-- that I might not meet someone who could love all of me and fully accept me. 

My relationships were so unhealthy, immature, and just plain negative. After working with Evin, I’ve released so much of that negativity. I have a more positive, growth-oriented mindset and use positive self talk. I have good rituals and mantras now that I can always go back to. I’m showing up more authentically than ever, and I'm more honest and open.

I’m in a relationship now that feels so much more healthy, mature, and real than anything I’ve ever experienced! It’s more authentic and honest, and we use direct, open communication. I definitely feel like I have more control in my dating approach! I no longer need validation, and I am with someone who appreciates me and communicates daily how incredible I am! I can actually see myself getting married (for real!) and having a happy life!

I loved working with Evin one-on-one. She was so understanding and easy to open up to. Being able to talk weekly and then set goals and have homework for next session were so helpful. I knew what my steps were, and each week lesson would build off of the next and so on. I loved the detailed guides and videos and I know I can go back and look at those in the future as needed. I recommend coaching with Evin to all the single women in my life. If finding a happy, true, authentic relationship with yourself and a significant other is important to you, the investment is so worth it!

I was blown away by the amount of work and change I was able to do in 3 months! I was able to accomplish more work in this time than I have in years of therapy. And honestly, the fact that I am in a healthy and good relationship for the first time ever is huge, and that didn't just happen out of luck! 

I’m so grateful for this experience!”



Before LLT, I absolutely could not let go of a very bad ‘situationship’. I was trying to force myself to make it work with a guy who wasn't right for me at all. My self worth was so incredibly low, and my anxiety was through the roof!

During LLT, my self worth increased EXPONENTIALLY. I don't think about my love life and feel dread or anxiety anymore-- I feel hopeful and optimistic! I feel like my walls have come down: I'm learning to trust again, I'm more open and genuine, and I'm expressing myself and my needs.

Things have taken a full 180: I AM NOW DATING A WONDERFUL MAN who I adore and who treats me with so much care and respect! I feel so hopeful about our future together. I’ve learned to be more open and vulnerable, and this has allowed for a deeper, more meaningful connection and true intimacy!

LLT is the most supportive community I've ever been a part of. The positivity, good vibes, and overall genuine and loving community was more than I could've asked for! From our very first group coaching call, I started to feel the weight I'd been carrying lifting-- and the release of anxiety has been life changing. I am incredibly grateful!!”



“I made the commitment to enroll in LLT because I was tired of my own bullsh*t! I was really ready to take back control and ownership of my life and ALL of the relationships in it! 

Before LLT, I wasn't really interested in dating because I was in a headspace where I believed “men are the worst,” “they're all going to hurt me,” and “what's the point-- I'm just going to get heartbroken again! I was struggling with self confidence and self worth, and I knew I was dating the wrong men for me.

LLT helped me break through and make BIG STRIDES in self love, confidence, and my mindset around dating in general! I've noticed that I’m kinder to myself, I feel more confident in knowing what my needs are, and I know there’s nothing wrong with me for having these needs. I know what I want in a romantic relationship-- and I am not willing to compromise, settle, or make excuses anymore!

My newfound openness to dating has been a HUGE improvement! I know I’m much closer to finding my person now. I’m confident that I can create the romantic life I desire because I have tools and practices in place that I learned during LLT!”



“Pre-LLT, I was actively dating but struggling with truly putting myself out there and practicing emotional bravery. I was afraid to be vulnerable with others out of fear for their judgment. I'm now MUCH more confident when it comes to how I approach my love life! I'm showing up in a more engaged, communicative, and honest way with the men I’m dating. LLT taught me how to voice my needs and communicate my boundaries. I’m much braver about putting myself out there, instead of keeping my guard up! I already feel freer, lighter, and more deeply connected in all my relationships.

The camaraderie and support I felt within our small group of women was so special. Seeing the women in my LLT group put in the work helped motivate me to do the same! It was so unbelievably valuable to get perspective and support from women who aren't in my everyday social circle. 

The personal growth I experienced through LLT extends far beyond just dating and romantic relationships... I’ve been able to level up ALL of my relationships because of LLT!”



“Before LLT, the negative energy I was carrying with me resulted in a poor mindset around dating. It was a never ending cycle of loneliness, going out with someone, being drained by the experience and throwing my hands up, withdrawing until I was lonely enough to give it another go, and repeat! Now I’m much gentler on myself, and I’m able to take it one step at a time. I now approach dating simply as an opportunity to connect with another human, which has taken the pressure off-- and has made the experience of dating more fulfilling!

Going into LLT, I knew how much friction there was in my life, and everything felt so heavy. I had no idea that in 14 weeks I could peel back so much... and reveal a new me! Through LLT, I learned not to take rejection so personally; I am more comfortable showing up authentically and knowing I won’t be every guy’s cup of tea. LLT helped me learn to communicate better and hone in on the type of relationship that I want. I feel empowered now to seek a man who fits my vision for a relationship!”



“I hesitated in enrolling in LLT because I have tried many different things already to work on my love life-- including a matchmaker and another dating coach before Evin-- and I wasn't sure if I should try something new. Ultimately, after speaking with Evin, I decided to make the commitment-- and I’m so happy I did!

LLT has helped me in so many ways. I have a more positive attitude toward dating, I’m more open, and I’m approaching things from a place of love not fear. I’m trying online dating again, and I’m more hopeful than before! I’m learning to set boundaries in relationships, focus on caring for myself first, and enjoy the journey. 

The support of the sisterhood in my group combined with Evin’s coaching was so helpful and uplifting! I am VERY glad that I was able to take this time to work on myself and apply a new, positive outlook at dating.”



“Before LLT, I wasn’t dating at all. I didn’t trust that I was able to have a healthy relationship, and I struggled with self worth. LLT was GREAT-- I got so much support from the women in my group, and Evin coached me on self worth, relationship traumas, havingness, desire, love languages, and more!

The LLT program helped me to feel empowered, confident, and WORTHY of love. I’m finally tapped into my self-awareness and in touch with my desires and femininity. The structure of the program, with the community, coaching and weekly calls, was the perfect amount of support. 

I learned SO much through this program, including that my love life journey is a PROCESS and a life-long commitment. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever forget Evin & my LLT sisters!”



“Before LLT, I had just gotten out of the most toxic relationship I've ever been in and I really thought that I would never get back to a healthy, happy, and self-loving dating mindset. After going through LLT, I now have a new sense of doing what is healthy, what feels good for me, and what makes my heart happiest. I am able to speak up for myself, ask for what I need, and set healthy boundaries in my relationships. I have FINALLY been able to heal, and I am EXCITED about my love life!

In my current romantic relationship, I am so much more open about what I need than I have been in the past. I am open and communicative, and my confidence has expanded. LLT has impacted other areas of my life as well: I have even been able to open up to my mom and my coworkers and receive their support. I am SO much happier now that I’ve completed LLT!